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Supervision for Provisional, Registrar, General and Clinical Psychologists, by a Board approved supervisor with Clinical Psychology endorsement.

Supervision sessions are predominantly held via video conference. This allows you to schedule your supervision during your day without the added time of traveling to and from the appointment.

Paul Neumann Clinical Psychologist
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Paul Neumann

Paul is a qualified Clinical Psychologist and AHPRA Board approved Supervisor with an endorsement in Clinical Psychology. He has worked as a Psychologist since 2009, across public, private, and education sectors.

His approach to therapy and supervision is based understanding an individuals situation and needs, and identify how to best map appropriate theory into practice. He aims to help  supervisees enhance their understanding of client cases to assist them in their therapeutic decisions.

Clinically, Paul has worked with all age groups, with a particular interest in working with adolescents, and interpersonal relationships. He has also been active in the tertiary education sector in that of developing and managing student intern programs, as well as the provision of direct supervision for Psychologists of varying levels of experience.

Clinical Psychologists

General Psychologists

Psychology Regsitrars

Provisional Psychologists


Paul has been providing supervision for Psychologists since 2012, working with professionals at varying degrees of their development.

He has developed student intern programs at a number of prominent institutions and worked closely with a number of universities to develop a supportive and graded process for those completing their postgraduate training.

NeuPsych was launched so as to meet the demand for supervision by students and new graduates alike.

    © 2021 by Paul Neumann.

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