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Training & Experience

Paul completed his Bachelor of Science with a Major in Psychology at Monash University, and went on to complete his Masters of Clinical Psychology at Deakin University. He has since worked in large public sector organisations including headspace, Orygen Youth Health, and the Royal Children's Hospital. He co-founded a successful private practice in the Wyndham area before focusing his career towards Adolescent mental health and provision of supervision.

His core training has been that of CBT, Psychodynamic therapy, and Family therapy. He has also since trained in ACT, and uses Jungian frameworks to better inform client formulation and case conceptualisation. 

Paul has developed student intern programs during his time at both headspace, and the University of Melbourne. He has worked with all of the major Universities in Melbourne to develop these programs, and has provided supervision to Psychologists since 2012.

Psychologists face a range of challenges in their professional lives, from ensuring best practice, to navigating the professional environment, and managing their own well-being in an often taxing role.


Paul's approach is a practical one that focuses on the supervisee's needs, be that skills development and application in a clinical setting, career navigation, or ensuring self care throughout the demands of the profession.

Approach to Supervision

Paul’s training was in that of CBT, psychodynamic and Family therapy. However his approach to supervision is not one of teaching core principles of any particular treatment modality, but rather processing the dynamics associated with therapy. This could be the interplay between you and your client, or the dynamics that the client is facing which contributes or perpetuates their concerns. This approach works at increasing your understanding of both your client, and your own practice.


His approach to supervision is to help you develop your skills and confidence by increasing your understanding of the psychology at play. As your understanding of the dynamics increase, your ability to know what approach to take with your client develops.


Each client has their unique histories and presentations, by better understanding the impacts of their history, you can more accurately formulate their needs, drives and overall formulation. Each client has adapted or developed their behaviour in order to serve a purpose, therapy can help identify those that are no longer helpful, and adapt them to what is.

Paul’s approach to supervision is an adaptive one. For those early in their career there can be a focus on practical factors of being a psychologist, from administration, to session planning and management. To those seeking to better map theory into their practice. As well as those that may be seeking a more in depth understanding of therapeutic dynamics, or delving into conscious and unconscious processes.


Paul is very practical, down to earth, and understanding. His role is to help you with your development as a psychologist by assisting with understanding, growing your skills, and confidence in them.

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